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I was allowed to play! The high-spirited, cheerful music and people drinking are good to feel the atmosphere of a city-wide festival.

It is visually very interesting to tackle people and have them fall apart!

The trumpet man seemed a bit strong and I didn't know how to properly attack him, so I beat him, hoping he wouldn't break his horn with a butt attack.

The ending was great, the best happy ending I've ever had!

Hey ! Thanks for playing and for uploading your let's play.

Thank you for all your positive feedbacks :)

For the trumpet man, the best way to survive is to dodge on both side before he touches you ;)



Thank you for playing our game. 

It seems that you had low optimization and i'm sorry for you ! 

I am roasting like a steak! Joli clin d'oeil à la Force Basque! Très bon jeu, la musique super entrainante! Pandelune est une ville qui vaut le détour :)

Merci d'avoir joué!!😊 La musique est entrainante mais elle saoule quand même rapidement (surtout après de nombreux, très nombreux tests...)